Lucy Lou beats the Coronavirus picture book
Lucy Lou beats the Coronavirus picture book
I wrote this 28-page children's picture book during Lockdown originally as a downloadable ebook for kids aged 2-6 years and had it illustrated in gorgeous bright colours. But after lots of interest, the books are published.
I was sent the photo below of a little girl called Lucy reading the book and it's the cutest pic I've ever seen!
Lucy Lou beats the Coronavirus is a rhyming story about Lucy and her family who head out on a social-distancing walk and come across Coronavirus sitting on a park bench. Along with her baby brother Liam, big brother Jake, mummy and daddy, Gran doing the can-can and dear old Gramps, they deal with the virus until it is gone.
This story is a time capsule for families everywhere who will look back to 2020 and remember "the olden days" of social distancing, hand washing, family bubbles and a germ we'd never heard of before. It is also a valuable tool for helping to take the "scary" factor out of the virus as Lucy Lou and her family know what to do.
Join the Lucy Lou Facebook page to download free colouring in pages of the characters for you to print at home.
Watch me read the story in this video...